If My System Produces Extra Energy, Where Does It Go?

Due to usage and weather patterns, solar systems will sometimes produce more or less energy than is needed.

One example of this would be a family who is away from their home for a relaxing, balmy beach day; even though they aren't actively using electricity at home, the sunny conditions ensure that their system is still producing power.

This begs the question: where does my extra, unused power go?

The answer is pretty simple: the grid.

Project Solar systems are all grid-tied, which means that your system is connected to the main power grid. This allows excess energy to be sent into the grid to prevent wasted power. 

Most power companies have a net metering or solar buyback policy, which will credit you for the extra energy that you send into the grid. This helps to offset the cost of any energy that you use from the grid on stormy days or during the evenings, when your system is not producing at full capacity.

To learn more about the process of net metering, you can check out our net metering guide.


Some solar systems include batteries that can store excess power for later use. In these cases, extra energy that is produced will be sent to the battery until it is fully charged. 

If your system is still producing extra energy, it will be sent back into the grid, just like systems without batteries.

You can read more about Project Solar's battery options and recommendations here:
"Battery Options with Project Solar".