1. FAQ
  2. The Project Solar Process

How Does Consumption Monitoring Work?

The Enphase App allows all Project Solar customers to see how much energy their solar system produces. However, some customers also want to see how much energy their home consumes (and how much is exported to the grid).

With an extra piece of equipment that's fairly simple to install, you can start monitoring your home's energy use alongside your solar production.


What Equipment Do I Need?

To monitor consumption, you'll need a pair of Enphase Consumption Current Transformers (also called a CT consumption meter), which you can purchase at this link: https://enphase.com/store/communication/consumption-ct

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This equipment does not come standard with Project Solar installs, so you will need to buy it separately.


How Do I Install the CT Meter?

In some states, you may need to have an electrician or a solar installer come out to install the equipment. This is certainly the safest and easiest option. Contact our Customer Experience team at support@projectsolar.com or via the chat bubble on our website to learn if one of our partnered installers can perform this service for you.

If you're confident in your DIY skills, you can also install this equipment yourself in some areas. However, remember that your safety is your responsibility when performing DIY electrical work. Make sure to do your research and follow proper safety procedures during the install. 


For more information on installing CT meters, check out this article from Enphase: https://support.enphase.com/s/article/Installing-Consumption-CTs


Where Can I See Consumption in the Enphase App?

Once you've installed the CT consumption meter, you can view your home's energy consumption on the Status or Usage screens of the Enphase app. You can also see consumption in the Overview screen, the Consumption screen, and in Reports when using MyEnphase for your web browser.

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For more information, check out these helpful articles from Enphase: https://support.enphase.com/s/article/How-can-I-view-my-homes-energy-consumption-in-MyEnlighten
